It’s not about the city of New York but about a beautiful song by our very own A.R.Rahman. It’s true that love brings a lot of new feelings along with it, like loneliness, possessiveness etc etc. But out of these the former is a heart wrenching and drenching feeling. Yup my friends, though you have been only months old in your true love (if you really feel so), the feeling of separation is excruciating. Not that you have been separated forever and ever. It’s more like, though she stays with her parents, miles away from you, there is a feeling that you would get a chance to see her when she crosses your path to go to her college, might see her, talk to her during her lunch, her free classes. And the feeling gets worse when you have nothing else to do except to sit on your bum and prepare for all those Mba exams, coz you ve missed the bus because of your arrears. Yup, life gets difficult when she goes hundreds of miles away from you. You could not see her, could not talk to her. The feeling gets real excruciating. This song beautifully portrays our very own Surya missing his wife Jo, on his official trip to New York. And to add to this there are A.R’s beautiful voice and soul drenching music. My friends, it had made me cry innumerable times. “Falling in Love”, its true, it’s known as “falling” because you have no control when you are in love. You are bound to do things you never even dreamed of or mocked people doing it. Finally, I had called her and she picked up the call. Her cousins were among her. Now, its true that you cannot talk to the person you love in those lovable tones and voices when your family is around. So, she started talking about this new song called “New York nagaram” from the yet to be released movie named “Sillu nu oru kadhal”. All she said was, the songs are really good and later during the night when she got the privacy to talk, she told me that the song is really great and she really misses me when hearing it. God, I thought, do you need a song to miss me? Hmmmmm…. That night I heard the song for the first time and my friends…………. It was out of the world….. It was like A.R was crushing my heart through his music. And when your heart is crushed, feelings pour out of it in the form of tears from the most visible part of your body….. From the same part that gives you vision. The next day I called her up and did something I had only done after a heavy booze session…… I cried to her, I pleaded her to return as soon as possible as I miss her. There’s no shame in this my friends. I was maturing in love. True love was laying it’s foundation in me. It’s not necessary to be Surya in fancy suits and walkin in flower studded streets of some city other than New York, and singing about his loneliness in New York. It’s good enough to be some guy with a heart that has been given to someone truly worth it. You might ask, “how da hell can you give your heart to some one?!” my friends you can, because when you truly love someone, you give them the right to care for you, to hurt you, to love you. And all these feelings are supposed to affect that one imaginative part of your body some where in the area of the organ that pumps blood throughout your body, the heart. Because it does not only pump the blood throughout but along with it, it carries all the love, and stuff the other person has for you. Now now I am not getting all senti and stuff but that’s the truth. My friends when you fall in love………. You fall through all the sad and beautiful happy feelings mixed together, into a pool of mixed feelings you go. You might feel that you are drowned but in time you breathe it in, get adapted to it, you evolve……….. And my friends somewhere in the year of 2006, I was evolving…………..
With luv,
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